Link building is the practice of building backlinks to a website to improve search engine visibility. Its strategies include content marketing, building useful tools, email outreach, broken link building, and public relations. There are many techniques for building links, and SEO tends to agree that link building is one of the hardest parts of their job. Link building is crucial for SEO to determine the quality of the content of the website. Search engines like Google use this link to discover new pages and to determine how well a page should rank on the search engine list. Increasing the number of high-quality links towards your website can also increase your chances of ranking well.
Let us look at some strategies for Link Building in SEO.
Build Relationships: Building relationships with forums, blogs, or social groups can be beneficial as to get a good link building, building relationships is necessary. It can involve outreach to other relevant websites and blogs in your industry; this will promote the contents you have created. A common goal of building a relationship is to get a link, apart from this, it can also help you to build long-term relationships with influencers in your industry.
Broken Link Building: Broken link building is a popular practice that works based on helping webmaster fix their broken links by providing a superior alternative for them to link to. Apart from this, with broken link building, you add value to someone’s website. Broken link building will look something like this, you research for broken links and find good targets, create quality content, and then reach out to the other websites. This process can be repeated over and over again; you can also use your existing content as a suggestion to fix the broken link or create new content.
Guest Blogging: Now we all know what guest blogging is and its importance for bringing in traffic. In short, guest blogging is the process of approaching other websites to see if they will publish a piece of content that you have written on their website. However, it is crucial to keep in mind the quality of the content, as Google does not tolerate the abuse of this tactic with low-quality content. Therefore, it is essential to produce good quality content, and guest posting should not solely be used to build links.
Link Reclamation: Link reclamation is slightly different than broken link building; it is the process of fixing or “reclaiming” links that once pointed towards your site. There are different types of link reclamation strategies; 404s, non-linking brand mentions, and non-linking images. 404 links are those that point to pages that no longer exist; you can either redirect or fix these links at your end or ask the webmasters to change the link. Non-linking brand mentions are writings about your site without linking to it. And non-linking images just like brand mentions, are images posted without attributions.
Podcast Guesting: Podcast guesting is the best SEO link building tactic; it is a content marketing tactic that involves targeting, reaching out, and getting booked on podcasts that are relevant to your niche. Podcasting is underrated in the marketing community and almost ignored in the SEO community in terms of SEO tactics. Podcast guesting gives you exposure to a new audience and what better way to grow your business than increasing exposure. It will also improve your credibility as an expert and possibly lead generation for the listeners. All you have to do is show up and talk about what you know, and you get exposure and link to your site. These are only a few tips from the hundreds and thousands of different link building tactics, and you must follow them in order to gain traffic for your business website.