We offer thorough google penalty investigation to find out what type of penalty has hit your website. Weather it is manual or algorithmic, we can improve all but it may take either removal of old links or modification of onsite structure/content.
Do you know even apart from google penguin and panda updates google do algorithmic change on routine basis which may suddenly get a site blacklisted dropped off rankings partially or completely for which many companies misunderstood the type of penalty imposed.
We have successfull recovered many sites from link spam, porn affiliates, over optimization, link wheel, content spam, maleware drop, server timeout drop, orphan pages caused drop or general penguin, panda or manual penalty.In most of the cases seo companies suggest to use link detox and disavow, but with us we first investigate the type of penalty involved and most of them we recover even without link disavow which saves time and money.
Our Process : –
- Client Information Study
- Thorough Google Analytics Study
- Detailed Webmaster Tools Analysis
- Past and Current Ranking Comparison
- Past & Current Site Changes Comparison(If any)
- Link History Comparison
- Anchor Distribution Analysis
- Thorough Website Analysis
- Finding Exact Cause of Penalty & Creating Plan of Action
- Recovery
Type of cases we can recover :

- Site Hit by Partial or Site Wide Manual Actions
- Hit by Penguin Updates/Refresh
- Hit by Panda Updates/Refresh
- Hit by Over Optimization/Excessive Spam/Buying Paid Links/Server Time Out or Malware/Hack Hit
Contact us for Free Proposal/Assessment