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Google Rolls Out Mobile-Friendly Updates: An Overview

November 26, 2019

As fascinating as the search platform of Google is, the updates are even more frequent and evolving. The search engine is utterly stringent while examining the functionality and performance of e-business websites. It also follows the principles of algorithms that are set just to gauge the superiority from the chaotic mess many e-marketers create. Well, many would be offended by the ranking algorithms that this search engine uses to downgrade their performance over others. But a teacher never tests the student without teaching him how to crack the exam. Yes, Google is the teacher here who has been updating its algorithms and tools to assist the marketers in cracking the exam without using any erroneous tactic.

One such updates are Mobilegeddon or in other words, Mobilepocalpse, Mopocalypse, or Mobocalypse. As a result of such a roll-out, the search engine now uses a mobile-friendly algorithm to rank the webpages or websites on the internet. Only those sites are boosted further that run seamlessly on all types of mobile phones and produce high-quality and relevant results. The attempt was taken considering the daunting job of mobile users to zoom or tap to be able to read the content on a website.

Rolled out with the sole purpose of easing up the digital dependability of global internet users, these algorithms impact three major areas during the ranking process. Firstly, the update affects the ranking of a website on mobile devices only, which means the users will arrive at a whole different ranking order when searching for the same keyword on a PC or laptop than what they will encounter on a mobile. Secondly, no e-marketer can escape the ranking judgment for the update is implemented in all languages spoken in the world. Hence, as a digital marketer from a lesser-known region on this planet, you can’t be any exception. Lastly, the rule applies to individual pages, not the entire websites, which allows the marketers to ensure a good ranking for webpages they deem extremely crucial to be seen and read by the target audience.

A common and long-standing misconception among internet users is that Google updates the algorithm to make their lives even more complicated. However, the search engine does the opposite and is obsessed with providing a user-friendly digital search environment. Its main agenda is to help people get the information using the keywords they want easily and quickly. Hence, the only person who is being attacked with more work is the web developer or designer. Digital marketing is not a one-man job. It integrates several aspects of digitalizing that encompass SEO, PPC, web designing, web development, etc. So, the job of optimizing the website or webpage to be legible on a mobile device without needing conventional zooming or tapping falls on the shoulders of the web development and designing department.

A year later since the original update had kicked out, Google came up with the second iterate. The search engine announced in a post that it is going to double down on the ranking boost to the mobile-friendly pages. Mostly, updates and their iterates are ensued by several complaints and visceral reactions, yet these updates were getting the reactions but in a whole different way. People were more informative and curious about the changes being made and therefore, were putting up several questions through different social media platforms.

Come what may, it is undeniable that Google is a digital legend that knows how to make update implementation and adoption possible. The focus of the search engine isn’t only inclined towards traffic and ranking but also dwells on how people accommodate the changes in their website designing techniques without putting themselves in a confusing mess. It’s its capability to aware people about the upcoming changes, meanwhile, giving them enough time to prepare themselves. So, this is it. No matter what industry you deal in and where you operate your business, the mobile-friendly update is definitely going to affect your ranking. Your only way out is to follow the orderly and implement white-hat tactics to optimize your website for mobile users or just the webpages you construe can convert maximum and profitable leads.

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