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Guide to Bing Advertising

June 27, 2022

Bing PPC Management


Before you say goodbye to Bing, you might want to consider this: even though Google is the most used search engine in the world, people still do over 12 billion monthly searches through Bing. And these users are unique. About 38% of them earn $100,000 or more annually, 33% have a bachelor’s degree, and most are 24 years of age or older.

But that is not all. Currently, Bing Ads reaches 44 million desktop users, unlike Google Ads. This tells marketers something crucial: when you ignore Bing Ads, you’re limiting your marketing reach. Contact us for bing PPC management.

What is Microsoft Advertising (formerly Bing Ads)?

You may have heard people refer to Bing Ads as “Microsoft Advertising” or “Microsoft Bing Ads”. Microsoft renamed Bing Ads to Microsoft Advertising in April 2019 – although many digital marketers still use the terms interchangeably.

Essentially, Microsoft Advertising works like this:

  • Internet users search for a term such as “black leggings”.
  • Microsoft presents the Internet user with both organic search results and ads for black leggings sold online.
  • The internet user clicks on the ad and buys the leggings (at least that’s the goal).
  • Microsoft explains the process: “customers search… customers see your ad… customers contact you.”

In a nutshell, PPC advertising on Bing is:

Cost-effective- Bing Ads lets you set a maximum daily spend to keep your costs under control. Bing Ads will only charge you for ads that users click on (meaning you only pay for leads).

Flexible- You can spend anything from a few dollars to thousands a day on ads.

Targeted- Microsoft Advertising uses keyword and audience targeting to show your ads only in search results related to your product, service, or brand.

Types of Bing Ads

While all PPC ads may look the same to the untrained eye, Bing Ads offers many different types of ads suitable for different campaigns, companies and internet users.

These ads include:

  • Expanded text ads

Expanded text ads are a typical PPC ad found in search results. These ads have two key components:

  • Title
  • Ad text

The URL of the page you are advertising (NOTE: If your URL is messy or confusing, Bing Ads will allow you to display a visible URL like instead of .

Expanded text ads fit naturally into search results. This makes them ideal for businesses looking to increase traffic to their website or e-commerce.

Example of Bing Ads

Ads asking you to install apps

App install ads look very similar to expanded text ads, but instead of linking to a website, they redirect customers to Google Play or the Apple App Store. These ads include:

  • Title
  • Ad text

Button to download the application (Bing Ads detects the type of phone from which the Internet user searches and presents the appropriate link)

Ads asking you to install apps are only available on iPhones and Android devices. They are also only suitable for brand marketing applications.


Microsoft Advertising is an Internet marketing service that allows brands to advertise their products, services, websites and stores in search results on the Bing platform. It’s a form of search marketing – specifically, Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising that offers people sponsored listings alongside organic search results.

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