Previously, Google update its terms and algorithm in 2018 which was not that efficient. But on 12th of March Google came up with a new algorithm set up which was much more advanced and improved version. Although many sites were benefited with this update yet not every website enjoyed this new version. However, these modifications brought many changes in the websites and most of them became much more advanced than they were earlier. Since increasing the ranking of the websites is the goal every online-based company, role, and services of a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) company is emphasized here. The providers of search engine optimization services in Delhi strive to load the website with the contents relevant enough to boost its ranking.
On March 2019, Google was updated globally with the newest versions of the algorithm along with some previously updated versions. Websites dealing with the searches and sensitive topic were the most affected ones like the topics and websites related to health information. But the question is how to improve the SEO visibility and make your Google rank high and better by keeping these updates in mind. Hence, here are the three methods which state the March 2019 update and the main idea of how to treat a falling rank and make it higher.
Build Brand & Trust
Branding is the most relevant and crucial thing to do for making a website more popular and to boost Google ranking. Most of the owners and entrepreneurs look for ways to increase their content quality and to make their websites look more attractive by branding it. By this, Google trusts the website and will create a good relationship bond with the website which will again help the website in the future to gain more traffic and profit. As most of the people are much more interested in brands these days, branding and recognized website will attract more crowd and thus will be remarked as the positive sign for a website.
Google’s Quality Rater Guidelines Should Be Followed
An avid blogger or reader will surely know about Google’s Quality Rater Guidelines. Initially published by Google to make sure the website owners go through these guidelines and will be able to make use of these key points to increase their growth rate and to make their website more alluring to the reader as well to the Google. Thus, going through the simple rules and norms will benefit the website potentially.
Every reader will automatically click on the website that is more relevant to them and their area of interest. Thus, making the page more user-optimized will surely make the website gain a lot of Google ranking. Be sure to upload and update the website with the newest and relevant information inclusive of the necessary description to attract the users so that Google finds that website user-friendly and ultimately rank the website better in the Google search engine result pages. Google will display the most relevant and most popular websites on the first few pages, which are now the deciding factors for the website ranking. Thus, to make sure websites get a high rank, they need to abide by the Google algorithm and updates which is possible only with the help of a good search engine optimization company in Delhi.